Monday, April 25, 2016

Grooming and personal presentation

A well-groomed personality projects a good image and speaks well of hygiene
and efficiency. As far as possible, personnel involved in housekeeping should
be fresh, well groomed and clean, not half asleep or unkempt in appearance
while reporting on duty

Ø  have their hair neatly cut and tied properly
Ø  have nails neatly trimmed
Ø  dress in simple, clean and well ironed clothes
Ø  avoid rings or other jewellery
Ø  use light makeup, in case of women
Ø  use footwear that is light, without heels and noiseless
Ø  be healthy and not suffer from any skin disease, colds, etc
Ø  avoid bad habits such as nail biting, nose picking, leg shaking, sitting on work
Ø  table, spitting, chewing pan, smoking, etc.
Ø  If these hygienic standards are not maintained, it can spoil the reputation of the
Ø  Take a bath daily.
Ø  Brush your teeth daily and always wear a smile. Use breath freshener if necessary.
Ø  Teeth should be clean and the breath must be fresh. This can be achieved by cleaning the teeth regularly and visiting the dentist for check-ups on a regular basis.

Ø  Deodorant/aftershave may be used but not so much that it is offensive.

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